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Community Resource Inventory

The Community Resource Inventory (CRI) component of the SPT is a personalized tool provided to program planners for conducting a local asset and gap analysis, which is critical for the strategic planning process of a comprehensive gang-reduction initiative. Once the purpose of the project and the geographical boundaries for the project have been clearly established, it is time to inventory or map the existing resources available for the intended population to be served by the project. This process provides an across-the-board picture of available community resources as well as gaps in services. It provides opportunities to build collaborative relationships across the community, build cross-agency coordination, and eliminate duplication of services.

Types of resources to scan for:

  1. Existing service or treatment programs, both public and private, that provide needed services for the intended target population of gang-involved youth and/or their families, or older gang members.
  2. Human resources that could potentially assist in implementing aspects of the initiative can be recruited from civic or volunteer groups, professional associations, neighborhood associations, college/universities, and the business sector, as well as individual citizens, who have an interest in serving the community.
  3. Public agencies, such as juvenile and criminal justice agencies; public health agencies; public education institutions, vocational/technical schools, law enforcement agencies, victims’ service agencies; and other local, state, and tribal government systems with the infrastructure capacity and a mission that supports the same intended population to be served.
  4. Private organizations such as youth-serving organizations, businesses, faith-based organizations, civic organizations, community-based organizations, health care facilities, universities, and other nongovernmental organizations that could provide support through direct services, program infrastructure development, human resources, or financial investment.
  5. Funding sources, both currently committed and potential, such as business, philanthropic entities, and other public and private organizations that could be used to support a portion of the comprehensive initiative through direct programming or indirectly through such supports as project staff training or food for project events.

Intended Use

The Community Resource Inventory has several features that assist in strategic planning.

  1. Data entry and storage: Program planners conducting resource inventories can enter the information in a secure database. The entry screen allows users to categorize five types of community resources:
    1. Service programs
    2. Funders (including potential funders)
    3. Human resources
    4. Criminal justice related resources
    5. Infrastructure (schools, churches, hospitals, etc.)
  2. Database searches: Once entered, data may be searched to locate suitable resources.
  3. Local program matrix: Drawing from resources in the database, this feature produces a matrix of all available service programs, cross-tabulated by age and type of program (prevention, intervention, or suppression). The matrix can show, at a glance, gaps in program coverage.


Signing In

You must sign in to your account before you can work with the data in your inventory. Click on the Community Resource Inventory tab, and then click on the Sign in button at the top left of the page. If you do not have an account, you can request one using the online account request form. (NOTE: For demonstration and training purposes, dummy data have been entered into a sample Community Resource Inventory database. Any visitor can view this demonstration community and browse sample resources, view a service program matrix, perform a search on the sample data, and view a nonfunctional data entry form. An account is not needed to view the demonstration community.)

Adding Resources

  1. Once signed into your account, choose Add Resource from the Community Resource Inventory submenu.
  2. Complete the fields with available information you have deemed essential in your community’s work.
  3. Save your resource to the database by clicking on the Add Resource button at the bottom of the form. (Partial resources may be created and then reopened and edited when additional information has been obtained.)

To facilitate offline collection of data, download this PDF version of the Add a Resource form prior to manual entry of information into the database.

Viewing Individual Resources

  1. Once signed into your account, choose List from the Community Resource Inventory submenu to see a complete listing of resources for your community. View the details of an individual resource by clicking on its link in the list.
  2. Choose Service Program Matrix from the Community Resource Inventory submenu to see a matrix listing service program resources for your community. The matrix is cross-tabulated by age group and type of program. View the details of an individual resource by clicking on its link in the matrix. If your inventory contains resources that are not service programs, they will be listed below the matrix under the heading Other Resources.
  3. Choose Search from the Community Resource Inventory submenu to list a subset of your community’s resources based on search criteria you provide. View the details of an individual resource by clicking on its link in the list.

Editing Resources

  1. Once signed into your account, view an individual resource using one of the methods outlined above under Viewing Individual Resources.
  2. Click on Edit at the bottom of the resource’s description.
  3. Make the necessary edits or additions to the resource and click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the form.

Deleting Resources

  1. Once signed into your account, view an individual resource using one of the methods outlined above under Viewing Individual Resources.
  2. Click on Delete at the bottom of the resource’s description.
  3. On the subsequent confirmation page, click the Delete button.

Searching Your Inventory

  1. Once signed into your account, choose Search from the Community Resource Inventory submenu.
  2. Enter appropriate keywords and/or other search criteria on the search screen and click Search Your Inventory at the bottom of the form.
  3. Be cautious in choosing your search criteria; using too many modifiers may limit your results to the point that no resources will be displayed.

For questions, contact

Request a Community Resource Inventory account using the online request form.

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