Percent Change in Estimated Number of Gang-Problem Jurisdictions Bar Chart

The bar chart is titled “Percent Change in Estimated Number of Gang-Problem Jurisdictions, 2002–2007.” Displayed horizontally are the four area types—“Larger Cities,” “Suburban Counties,” “Smaller Cities,” and “Rural Counties”—and the “Overall Estimate in Study Population.” Displayed vertically are percentages from 0 to 40. The percent change in the estimated number of gang-problem jurisdictions between 2002 and 2007 for the four area types and the overall estimate in study population are presented as data points. The heading titled “Percent Change in Estimated Number of Gang-Problem Jurisdictions” includes bullet points that describe this bar chart.

Specifically, the percent change in estimated number of gang-problem jurisdictions between 2002–2007 is as follows: +12.1 percent for larger cities, +33.2 percent for suburban counties, +27.4 percent for smaller cities, +24.1 percent for rural counties, and 25.1 percent for the overall estimate in study population.